So you are thinking of taking up Motorcycle Road Racing as a hobby. Below are a few helpful tips to get you stepping in the right direction.
Racing can be an expensive hobby and everyone has a different budget. What it will cost you will depend on many things.
Here are a few tips and ideas to help you along the way.
Who are we?
Darley Moor Motor Cycle Road Racing Club Ltd are club limited by guarantee. This means that in the event of there being any legal implications the members of the Club are protected. We have been organising and running motor cycle road racing at our own circuit at Darley Moor Sports Centre since 1965. Many of today’s top riders started their careers here at Darley Moor. In the early days it was always claimed if you were a good Darley Moor Rider you were a good TT/MGP Rider. This is borne out by the fact that Darley Moor MCRRC holds more Club team awards from the TT and MGP than any other Club. Darley Moor MCRRC is affiliated to the East Midland Centre of the Auto Cycle Union (ACU). You will need to apply to join Darley Moor MCRRC if you wish to race at our meetings. Click here
What is the Auto Cycle Union (ACU)
The Auto Cycle Union (ACU) is the governing body of motorcycle racing in England, Wales, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. They Licence the tracks we race on and they licence the riders and many officials who organise the meetings. Before you can race your motorcycle you need to obtain an ACU Road Race Licence. To obtain a Road Race Licence you must be a member of an ACU Affiliated Club such as Darley Moor MCRRC. You need to apply for an ACU Road Race Licence on the ACU website Click here
Which Motorcycle?
The easiest and cheapest way to go racing is to choose a class where you can adapt your Track or Road bike to a Race Bike. Or alternatively there are a number of classes at Darley Moor where a race bike can be bought relatively cheaply. Check the Darley Moor Classes.
Clothing can also be expensive but go to a reputable dealer and have a good look before you buy. Yes, a replica helmet may well look very nice but is it value for money when compared to a plain design. Are you paying for someone’s name on your helmet or clothing?
Tyres can be an expensive item depending on the class of machine you have decided to race. Very often continuing to race on a worn tyre will result in a slide off costing many times as much to repair the damage than the original cost of buying a new tyre. You need to consider this item when deciding on the machine you are looking to race.
Getting to & from the event
The cheapest way to and from a meeting is to use a trailer on the back of your car. This can however be rather impactable should it rain. A better option may be a Transit type van or even a van & trailer. Remember fuel to and from the meeting will also add to your expenses.
Accommodation at the event.
If you can obtain use of a caravan that would be a great advantage. If not consider a trailer tent or tent or as many new racers do sleep on a camp bed or airbed in the back of the truck. Make sure you look after all your valuable items during the night. Some riders take to local hotels like Premier Inns and Travel Lodges which may seem a good option if you book them months in advance. (But many of these hotels now put their prices up as soon as the Circuits publish their dates) Staying off circuit does mean you will be missing out on the happenings in the Paddock overnight.
Remember that once you become a Road Racer you are also an athlete and as such you must watch what you eat and drink especially at a race meeting. Eat food you enjoy that is also good for you. Do not be afraid to seek advice about what you eat and drink. Remember to drink plenty of fluids but avoid alcohol altogether.
All race machines must be fitted with a My Laps Transponder or similar equipment. These can be purchased from the Darley Moor Timekeepers HS Sports Timing for around £250.00 for a year’s subscription. We also do a rental service at the circuit costing £20.00 per meeting.
Other costs you can’t avoid
These include annual ACU Road Race Licence of £78.00. Darley Moor MCRRC Club Membership of £20.00. Race Entry fees for one class per race day are £175.00 solo or £205.00 Sidecar. If you enter a second class the extra is just £55.00. At the beginning of the season we hold a Test Day prior to the first meeting of the year which costs £130.00 for Solos and £150.00 for sidecars for the day. Where we run a two – day meeting the Entry Fees for the first class are reduced by £75.00 Solo and £90.00 sidecar.
What comes next?
The next thing to do on your journey to becoming a Road Racer is to apply for Club Membership and then apply for your ACU Road Race Licence.
You need to register on the ACU Members Portal by going to: and complete the following details: Profile – Information – General Information
Photo – found under Personal Documentation
Medical Questionnaire – found under Medical Documentation
Eye report – found under Medical Documentation
Residency Eligibility – found under Personal Documentation
DVLA Licence (if applicable) – found under Personal Documentation
Pay for the competition licence.
Before you can obtain your ACU Road Race Licence you have to undergo a Newcomers training course. The CTC and BRA Course as it is known is held at Darley Moor Sports Centre before the start of each season. It is a basic classroom course usually held via ZOOM that explains the main rules and regulations of Road Racing to you and then goes on to explain how to apply for your licence and how a meeting is organised and what to expect at your first meeting. There is a simple 20 question test paper at the end of the seminar with multiple choice answers. If you have read the booklet that accompanies the seminar and listened to the seminar you cannot fail the test. The CTC course is followed (usually at Darley Moor the next day) by the Basic Rider Assessment (BRA) Course. Where you are tested on your competence to ride a motorcycle safely amongst other riders on the track. You will also have your first attempt at a race start. This is not a test of speed just your competence to ride. Our Darley Moor Instructors will be on hand to give you help and guidance throughout. Our Technical Team will be there to explain how the technical inspection works and how you go about getting your machine noise tested. Our Medical Officer will be on hand to carry out your eyesight test for you. We will be there in the office to help you complete your ACU Licence Application on the ACU Sport80 portal. If you have any questions then please ask nobody bites!!!!
To book your CTC course and /or Basic Rider Assessment Click Here
Good luck in your career as a Road Racer. Enjoy the sport.