
Transponder Repairs – AMB 130, 140, 160 & 260 Repairs

Transponder Repairs – AMB 130, 140, 160 & 260 Repairs

We can repair most transponders for a fraction of the cost of new replacements. Since 2012 we have successfully repaired 90% of the thousands of defective transponders sent to us.

Cost to repair are;

AMB130 £65.00
AMB 140 £47.50
AMB160 & 260 – £59.50
TAG £35.00

If you send a batch of five or more transponders we offer 10% off or 15% for 10 or more.

We repair your transponders, test them on our AMB timing system and then seal them. Once complete we guarantee the repair for 6 months.

To keep payment simple we use PayPal and invoice you in your currency.

If you would like us to repair your transponders simply post them to the address below, not forgetting to include your e-mail address with the transponders.

Kart Crazy
21 Spitfire Way
SO31 4RT